Vanilla Cinnamon

Vanilla Cinnamon

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Product Code: vanillacinnamonblack
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Vanilla Cinnamon

Flavor Profile: This velvety infusion is at once spicy, creamy, and entirely magnificent.

Ingredients: Black tea, cinnamon, calendula and sunflower petals, natural flavours.

Brewing instructions: Bring water to 100ºC/212ºF. Use 1tsp of loose tea per cup. Steep 3-5 minutes.

Vanilla  and  Cinnamon  comprise  what  may  be  one  of  our  most exotic  and  ancient  blends. The  story  of  Cinnamon  began  in ancient Egypt where it was prized for its sweet aroma.  The Egyptians used it to purify the tombs of the Pharaohs and believed it to be a valuable commodity in the  spirit world.  Vanilla too has an ancient history.  Native to Central  America, the spice is believed  to  have  been  first  used  by  the  Aztecs  as  an  additive  to  chocolate  as  far  back  as  200  b.c.    If  one  were  to  add  up  the combined  histories  of  both  spices,  (given  that  Tutankhamen  was  born  at about  1350 B.C.),  the  ingredients  in  this  tea  blend would  have  a  combined  age  of  5558  years!    Celebrate  this  venerable  history  by  brewing  a  pot  of  this  magnificent  tea.   Taste how the  sweet  scent of cinnamon pairs beautifully  with  the  vanilla.

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