Privacy Policy

Your Short and Very Understandable Privacy Policy.

  • We promise not to spam you with stupid junk. We will only send you email if you specifically request to be put on our mailing list.

  • We will never give your information to anyone else.

  • We have absolutely no access to your credit card number, since our payments are processed through PayPal's payment portal. Please do not send us your credit card number in any of the forms on this website, as our webforms are not necessarily encrypted. We cannot be held responsible for the interception of your credit card number under these circumstances.

  • If you ever wish to know what information our system has stored about you, you may make an official information request by email to If you ever wish for your information to be removed from our system, feel free to email us with a request. We will do our best to get you wiped from our system in a timely manner, confusing technology notwithstanding.