

The first known instance of herbs being collected for the purpose of ingesting them took place 60,000 years ago. Recent archaeological findings appear to indicate that even way back then, our Neanderthal relatives living in Iran understood the many ways that herbs can heal and soothe the body. So raise a cup to the past! 

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A Little Bit Alexis
Flavor Profile: It’s a Lamborghini, it’s a Hollywood star, it’s a little bit tipsy when you dr..
A Lute More Bard, Please
A Lute More Bard, Please   Flavor Profile: A tenaciously soft tisane that will sing d..
Agnes Nutty's Accuratea
Agnes Nutty's Accuratea Flavor Profile: A fruit and nut tisane that is sure to give you visio..
Angel Falls Mist
Angel Falls Mist Flavor Profile: A delicious blend of lemon and strawberry flavors combin..
Avatar Kuruk
Avatar KurukFlavor Profile: A passionate story, told through tea leaves: Tulsi brings in the spirit ..
AviaryFlavor Profile: This herbal tisane will swoop in when you need a soft lifting of the spirits...
Be Mine
Be Mine Flavor Profile: A toe-curling blend of chocolate and strawberry that is impossible to..
Berry Berry
Berry Berry Flavor Profile: A full flavoured tea with deep berry notes. Once infused, this deep-r..
Blue Eyes (Herbal Tea)
Blue Eyes (herbal Tea)Flavor Profile: This delicious blend of caramel and the natural flavours and t..
Brass Dragon
Brass Dragon Flavor Profile: Brass dragons are known for their hospitality, and charming..
BugFlavor Profile: Need a skitter smack of taste? This mix of green earthy rooibos and tart goji b..
Come Along With Tea
Come Along With TeaFlavor Profile: A perky little tisane to get your toes tippy-tappin', with cheery..
Cranberry Apple
Cranberry Apple Flavor Profile: A delicious blend of cranberry, fruit, and apple flavours that..
CTEA-PO   Flavor Profile: A blend so clever some might even worship it. It speaks ev..
DemogorgonFlavor Profile: Like a demon from another dimension, this tisane is full of sweet flo..
Showing 1 to 15 of 80 (6 Pages)