Products meeting the search criteria
Cookie CatFlavor Profile: A pet for
your tummy! Cookie cat is super duper yummy. A flavour that is ..
Cookie DoughFlavor Profile: For everyone whose favorite part of baking cookies is eating the dough, ..
Council of SistersFlavor Profile: Strong enough to take you over, despite your best
efforts. Sweet..
Cozy and Warm
Flavor Profile: This rich pu erh is for cuddling up
under a blanket with. Warm..
Cranberry Apple
Flavor Profile: A delicious blend of cranberry, fruit, and apple flavours that..
Cream Earl Grey (Black Tea)
Profile: A taste that’s smooth with vanilla
overtones t..
Cream Earl Grey (White Tea)
Flavor Profile: full bodied with a heady Earl Grey flavor and tou..
Cream VanillaFlavour profile: A decadently creamy cup, with a rich fresh vanilla taste you will s..
CrÈme au Caramel (Rooibos)Flavour Profile: A freshly brewed cup of give me more! Creamy, toffee-like..
Crimson Mage
Flavor Profile: Don’t let her sweetness fool you – this is one powerfully ..
Crop CirclesFlavor Profile: Put on your tinfoil hats and take your
tea out while exploring the crop..
Crown ChakraFlavor Profile: Align with your higher self with this pure white tea, chosen to help you..
Ctea-lhu: The SteeperFlavor Profile: Emerging from the deepest of sleep is hard, even for an elder B..
Flavor Profile: A blend so clever some might even worship
it. It speaks ev..
Cucumber Melon
Flavor Profile: An exceptionally light cup with sweet melon notes, and cucumber on..
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